The Sanctuary doctrine: answering objections

List of studies


Introduction: Sanctuary doctrine overview

Objection 1: Atonement for sin was wholly completed on the Cross.

Objection 2: Christ’s ‘Daily’ Ministry was conducted before the Cross

Objection 3: The cleansing of the Sanctuary in Heaven began immediately upon Christ’s ascension

Objection 4: The Day of Atonement on Earth points to the Cross

Objection 5: The start date of the 2300 days (457 BC) is not warranted in Scripture - thus the 2300 days prophecy does not point to 1844

Objection 6: If the 2300 days prophecy applies to the Papacy, there is a mismatch with the years of the prophecy - 2300 v 1260

Objection 7: The cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary deals with the record of the ‘little horn’ power, not the record of the redeemed

Objection 8: There is not a Heavenly Sanctuary with two compartments -  there are just two phases in Heaven itself

Overall conclusion