The Sanctuary doctrine: answering objections 

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Objection 2:  Christ’s ‘Daily’ Ministry was conducted before the Cross 

This objection is raised to counter the post-Cross two-phase Sanctuary doctrine, which teaches that Christ began His ‘Daily’ Ministry upon His ascension to Heaven.

Christ, throughout His Ministry, pleads His own Blood to wash repentant sinners from their sin (Re 1:5).

In the earthly Ministry (which was a depiction of Christ’s true Ministry) blood was offered in both phases: the Daily and the Annual.  This tells us that there are two phases in Christ’s true Ministry, and that blood has to be offered in both, i.e. Christ’s own Blood.

If Christ performed His Daily Ministry before the Cross, it had to be with His own Blood.  However, Christ’s own Blood was not shed until the Cross, which means that His Priesthood did not begin until the Cross. His Blood simply was not available before the Cross - that is why the blood of animals, as a figure for the time, had to suffice.  

It is impossible that Christ could have performed His ‘Daily’ Ministry before the Cross - the means to do so, His own blood, was not available. Therefore ALL Christ’s Priestly Ministry took place after the Cross, in the sequence illustrated for us in the earthly Sanctuary (the Daily followed by the Annual).

Furthermore, if Christ’s true ‘Daily’ Ministry was indeed conducted before the Cross (i.e. if Christ had somehow offered His own Blood before He had shed it!), there would have been no need for a figurative ‘Daily’ ministry in the earthly Sanctuary.

Objection 2, therefore, does not stand.