The Sanctuary doctrine: answering objections 

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Objection 4:  The Day of Atonement on Earth points to the Cross

This objection is in direct opposition to the Sanctuary Doctrine, which teaches that the Day of Atonement points, not to the Cross, but to Christ’s Final Atonement in the Heavenly Sanctuary.

Christ’s One Sacrifice (the Cross) is linked clearly to the Daily sacrifice on Earth:

He 10:11,12  And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: 

12  But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; 

Furthermore, this Scripture tells us that Christ’s Heavenly Ministry, which was pointed to by the earthly Ministry, began after the Cross.  

To confirm this, we have seen in the answer to Objection 3 that, immediately after His ascension, Christ joined the Father in the Holy in Heaven, where He began His Daily Ministry.

Hebrews 10:11,12 (above) is squarely in line with the Sanctuary Doctrine, which teaches that the Cross was prefigured by all the Ministry in the earthly Sanctuary: the Daily first, followed by the Annual.

The sequence of the earthly and Heavenly Ministries (the 'Daily' first) confirms, in conjunction with the above Scripture passage, that Christ’s ‘Daily’ Ministry began immediately after the Cross.  

Thus if we were to specify which earthly Ministry pointed to the Cross, it would have to be the 'Daily', not the Day of Atonement.  Therefore Objection 4 does not stand.