The Sanctuary doctrine: answering objections 

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Objection 8:  There is not a Heavenly Sanctuary with two compartments - there are just two phases in Heaven itself

This objection seeks to do away altogether with the concept of a Sanctuary in Heaven - objectors use He 9:24 to claim that Heaven is the Sanctuary.

This objection is largely answered in Objection 3, where we see in Re 11:19 that the Temple of God was opened in Heaven (the Greek preposition for ‘in’ [Strong’s G1722, ‘en’] is used).  Thus the Temple is an entity within Heaven. The Temple in Heaven is confirmed in Re 14:17.  

Now we need to determine whether the Temple in Heaven is in fact the Heavenly Sanctuary.

The Temple in Heaven and the Heavenly Sanctuary

The opening of the Temple in Heaven (Objection 3) revealed the Heavenly Ark of the Testimony. On Earth the Ark of the Covenant (i.e the Ark of the Testimony - Ex 25:22) resided in the Most Holy compartment of the earthly Sanctuary (Ex 26:34).  

The earthly Sanctuary is a copy of the Heavenly Sanctuary (Ex 25:9; He 8:5). Thus the Heavenly Ark of the Testimony resides in the Most Holy compartment of the original Sanctuary in Heaven.  

The Heavenly Temple and the Heavenly Sanctuary, therefore, are one and the same.  

Furthermore, in keeping with the earthly Sanctuary, there must also be an outer compartment, the Holy, in the Temple (the Sanctuary) in Heaven.

The Temple in Heaven has the same two compartments as the Sanctuary on Earth, which is a copy of the Sanctuary in Heaven. The Heavenly Temple is therefore the Heavenly Sanctuary, which is in Heaven, and is thus not Heaven itself.  Thus Objection 7 does not stand.