The Sanctuary doctrine: answering objections 

<Answering objections contents    ^List of studies

Overall conclusion

The Heavenly Sanctuary and its cleansing is depicted clearly in Daniel: the Old Testament prophetic book that specifically addresses the time of the end (Da 8:17;12:4).  It is therefore meant to be understood in our day - it cannot be denied or ignored. 

Christ, when He sacrificed Himself upon the Cross, made Atonement for sin freely available to all repentant sinners, who, after the final cleansing in the Heavenly Sanctuary (Christ's crowning act of Atonement), will stand before God without sin - as though they had never sinned.

In the Sanctuary doctrine we see the sacrificial Atonement of the Cross applied, so that Atonement for sin is completed for all eternity.  In the Sanctuary doctrine, believers are doubly assured of salvation.

The many objections laid against the Sanctuary doctrine, are, upon careful study of Scripture, refuted firmly. Consequently, if the Sanctuary doctrine is at odds with mainstream belief, it is the mainstream that needs to be amended.