The Sanctuary doctrine: answering objections 

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Objection 1: Atonement for sin was wholly completed on the Cross 

This objection states that Christ’s Atonement for sin was wholly completed on the Cross, and thus the concept of further Atonement robs believers of the assurance of Salvation.

The Atonement not wholly completed on the Cross

Christ’s Sacrificial Atonement for sin (the Cross) ended the sacrificial system in the earthly Sanctuary  (‘it is finished’ - Jn 19:30).  

However, Christ had not yet conquered death: the consequence of sin (Ro 6:23).  Thus until Christ had conquered death by His Resurrection, salvation remained a promise - mankind was still in sin: 1Co 15:17.  Until the Resurrection, repentant sinners remained counted as justified by faith in the promise of a risen Saviour. 

The Atonement for sin, therefore, was not wholly completed on the Cross.  This indicates the truth of the Sanctuary doctrine, which does wholly complete the Atonement for sin.

We need now to address the assertion that the Sanctuary doctrine removes the assurance of salvation.

Assurance of Salvation

God intends that those who respond to His call to repent should have full assurance of salvation (He 6:11; 10:22). Today we have the absolute certainty that in the Cross, the repentant sinner dies with Christ (2Co 5:14), and in His Resurrection the repentant sinner rises with Christ (Col 3:1). 

The Blood of the Cross

Christ’s Blood was shed once (Ro 6:10 et al), but is pleaded many times: i.e. each time a repentant sinner is accused by Satan (see Re 12:10). 

Christ pleads His Blood throughout both phases (see the Introduction) of His Heavenly Ministry, but especially in His final cleansing Atonement (the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary).

The Sanctuary doctrine: final Cleansing Atonement

Importantly, Christ’s final Atonement in Heaven does not make an additional sacrificial Atonement.  Its purpose is to eradicate entirely the sin of the redeemed, fitting them wholly for entry into God’s Kingdom - as though they had never sinned. 

Christ’s final Atonement applies the Sacrificial Atonement of the Cross - it confirms and complements the Cross, putting the Cross into practice to render sinners ‘without sin’. 

The Cross did not wholly complete Christ’s Atonement - it is completed both by His Resurrection and His final cleansing Atonement in Heaven - the latter is Christ’s crowning Atonement  It eradicates the sin of the redeemed, rendering them as though they had never sinned, readying them to join God’s unfallen universe.

Reassurance.  Christ’s final cleansing Atonement reassures believers of the saving power of the Blood of the Cross - like ancient Israel in the earthly Sanctuary, they are doubly assured (see study: ‘The Sanctuary on Earth’,3.4) of redemption. 

When the Sanctuary doctrine is understood fully, confidence in salvation is reinforced.  By it their redemption is confirmed openly, both before the Father, and before all unfallen Creation, who are witnesses to God’s infinite Grace - there could be no greater assurance.